How to Upload Theme on Blogger in Hindi

கார்க்கு ம் தேம் கியு க்குக்குக்கை (How to upload theme on blogger in Hindi): க்கை பப்பை பெர்கு ப்பு ப்பு ப்பு முக்கு है அுர் பப்பப் போல் கோ க்கு க்கு க்கு है?

If your answer is “Yes” then you have come to the right place. In this article you will learn how to upload theme/template on blogger blog.

So if you want to customize your blog and give it a beautiful look, then you have to upload a theme. Coding As should come HTML, CSS etc.

How to Upload Theme on Blogger in HindiHow to Upload Theme on Blogger in Hindi

So, there are many developers who have already developed free templates/themes for blogger.

You just need to download and customize the theme by uploading it to your blog.

If you don’t know the right way to blog for free, then read ‘Blogger par FREE blog banaye’ and ‘How to post a blog’.

तो आया अभ भाय अधिक है।

What is Template/Theme in Blogger?

The theme and template lag-part are both the same thing:

  • Theme: It means the complete design of a website, which is a file designed by a web developer.
  • template: ये भी सेम है पर template को एक ही पैज का का लाइटा also called. That is, the design of a web page is similar to that of a theme.

Earlier template name was kept पर now theme is kept.

Why Upload a Theme on Blogger?

Uploading a theme to a blog is one of the main reasons for customizing the blog well and giving the blog a professional look.

Whenever a visitor comes to your website, he likes your blog and keeps visiting your blog regularly.

By uploading a custom theme, your blog speed will increase, SEO (Search Engine Optimization) will be done, and your posts will rank easily in Google.

Not only this, your blog will be responsive. That means you will be able to view in any screen size format from any device.

You can customize the blog well like category, important notes, newsletter, author box, sidebar etc.

Now let’s know step by step how to upload theme/template in blogger blog and give professional look to blog.

How to Upload Theme on Blogger in Hindi

Uploading a theme/template on blogger and customizing the theme is very easy, you just need to follow a few steps for that.

There are basically 2 ways to upload and install a custom theme on a blog. Here you are told about Dono Tarike.

You just need to choose a good responsive blog theme and download it.

Method 1: Theme Download & Install Step:

Step 1: Download Blogger Theme first

  • First to download Blogger Theme/Template go to
  • Now download whatever good theme you find. (Just Responsive And SEO should be ready).
How to Upload Theme/Template in BlogHow to Upload Theme/Template in Blog

Step 2: Extract (unzip) the downloaded Theme/template

जो Blogger Theme/Template डाउनलोड किया है, वो file by default zip file में होगी, that file first unzip (extract) do it (Zip file software)

extract zipped blogger theme fileextract zipped blogger theme file

Step 3: Login to your blogger blog

Theme download ho jaye to apke blog ko blogger Login with id (gmail id) and password.

Blogger account login kaise kareBlogger account login kaise kare

Step 4: Click on Theme option

After blog login click on left side of dashboard “Theme” is an option, click on it.

Blogger mei theme install kaise kareBlogger mei theme install kaise kare

Step 5: Download Theme Backup

Backup your side design is very important, by chance if something goes wrong while uploading the theme, then you can restore the site design.

  1. My theme to customization On the side to do Down arrow Click on the option (or Backup/Restore on the right side).
  2. Now “BackupClick on .
  3. Here you will find “Download Theme” का button will show hoga click on that.

Step 6: Upload the template/theme to the blog

Blog Me Theme/Template Kaise Upload KareBlog Me Theme/Template Kaise Upload Kare
  • Now “Backup/RestoreClick on .
  • thenChoose fileClick on .
How to Upload Theme on Blogger in HindiHow to Upload Theme on Blogger in Hindi

Step 7: Select the .xml extension file

After clicking on Select File, here you are now “.xml extension file” To select the theme extract file under , select it, something like this:

Choose extracted blogger theme .xml fileChoose extracted blogger theme .xml file

Step 8: Click on Upload button

.xml After selecting the file “UploadClick on the button.

blogger theme upload kareblogger theme upload kare

Please wait for a while while uploading may take some time, the message uploaded successfully will appear after the download is complete.

blogger theme successfully uploadedblogger theme successfully uploaded

Done! Just follow these steps and the theme will be successfully uploaded to your blog.

This method How to upload blog me theme/template is well understood, then follow the steps given below for the second method:

Method 2: How to Upload Theme in Blogger

The only thing different in this method is that you just need to copy the theme code and in the theme option Edit the HTML Copy by Code should be pasted.

As mentioned in method 1 above Step 5 Follow the same.

Step 6: Extract the theme file (which download the theme and extract it) and open it.

Step 7: .xml file someone Text editor in open up

  • Text editor: Notepad, code editor, sublime text, etc kuch bhi chalega.
Blogger Me Theme Upload karne ka tarikaBlogger Me Theme Upload karne ka tarika

Step 8: Now you will only have code show Copy all (all) code.

  • (Ctrl+a Choose from Ctrl+c Copy from).
Blogger template/theme copy kareBlogger template/theme copy kare

Step 9: blogger Theme Go to option Edit HTML Click on

How to Upload Theme on Blogger in HindiHow to Upload Theme on Blogger in Hindi

Step 10: Select all code in HTML editor.

  • (Ctrl+a) and paste the copy code (ctrl+v).

Step 11: now upSave theme” to save the theme.

How to Upload Theme on Blogger in HindiHow to Upload Theme on Blogger in Hindi

Done! Congratulations you have successfully uploaded the theme.

If you face any problem in any step then comment below and ask.

Conclusion: Install Blogger Theme/Template

In this article “How to Upload Theme on Blogger in Hindi” , Aapne Sikha ki Blogger Mein Theme/Template Kya Hota hai, Why Upload Custom Blogger Theme and How to Download and Install Theme for Blogger Blog .

A custom theme is important for a blog, which is also responsive and SEO (Search engine optimization) designed.

If you want to earn money from adsense ads on your blog, then you must SEO friendly Ya Responsive theme upload should do

Similarly, the information related to blogging is in Hindi Like FB page Do and subscribe to email.

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